Students will study new concepts, improve skills and develop problem-solving techniques to use and apply to various mathematical activities, word problems and real world problems.

They will develop skills in the use of scientific and CAS calculators, allowing them to interpret and represent numbers using powers, as well as use in Statistics and Trigonometry.

Hands-on activities such as Maths300 activities, computer programs such as Mathletics, class and whole school competitions such as Australian Mathematics Competition and discussions are just some of the other methods we use to engage students in Mathematics.

Students study Mathematics under three main dimensions, Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Probability and Statistics.

Students are included in learning groups in all year level Mathematics classes. We take time to find out what students already know and focus on moving them forward in their learning.

In Years 7 to 9, we run a Maths Masters Enrichment program and a Year 10 Advanced Mathematics program for students who are working above the expected Victorian Curriculum levels in their Mathematical studies. They will continue to develop skills for each of the Mathematics topics of Years 7 to 10 Mathematics and will also be introduced to Maths Methods skills and understandings to prepare them for Year 11 VCE studies.

In VCE, we offer the following curriculums:

  • Year 11: General Mathematics Units 1 & 2, Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2 and Specialist Maths Units 1 & 2
  • Year 12: Further Mathematics Units 3 & 4, Mathematical Methods Units 3 and 4 and Specialist Maths Units 3 & 4

For more information about Mathematics at Monbulk College, please contact us.
